Richard Quezada

43390016Richard Quezada awoke at 1:00 am in the morning to find the house next door to him on fire.  He ran over to the house and banged on the door, but no one answered.  Richard yanked the door open, ran inside the house and got two boys out of the house.  He ran back in the house a second time to get out a woman and a baby that he threw over his shoulder.  Then, he ran back in the house a third time to find a man in the kitchen that was on fire.  He got the man out too.  

43390019Oakland Firefighter Doug Abrams presented the Citizen Hero Award to Richard Quezada
in front of the house where he rescued six people by himself

DSC_0147 copy10Richard Quezada was recognized at the Oakland Firefighters Random Acts
Annual Awards & Dinner Dance for his heroism

DSC_0152 copy10The family that Richard Quezada rescued from the house fire expressed their heartfelt
thanks and gratefulness to him for his heroic actions that saved all of their lives.

DSC_0153 copy10The emotions of the moment brought many people to tears, on and off the stage

DSC_0156 copy10

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