How You Can Help

Oakland Firefighters Random Acts realizes that our program would not be possible without the generous support of many people in the community.

Here are some ways that you can help:

1.  The best way to support Oakland Firefighters Random Acts is with monetary donations so that our program will have funds to create Random Acts of Kindness.


2.  Be a sponsor of our largest fundraiser of the year, the Annual Awards & Dinner Dance.

3.  Designate ‘Oakland Firefighters Random Acts’ as the recipient of your fundraising event.

4.  Sponsor a “Books & Balls” program at an Oakland public elementary school.

5.  Participate in the Random Acts Holiday Toy Drive by placing a toy barrel in your place of business, office building, school, or work place.

6.  To help in any of the above ways or to volunteer go to ‘Contact Us’.




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